AE150 Athea Total Solutions Zap-It Herbicide 4/1GAL

AE150 Athea Total Solutions
Zap-It Herbicide 4/1GAL

Product #: JZAPIT


This ready-to-use, non-selective herbicide kills all types of broadleaf and grass weeds. Effective against all plant types-annual and perennial. Effects are visible in only 1-2 weeks. Will not leach and affect desired plants. Becomes inactive as soon as it comes in contact w/soil. It will kill the entire plant, roots, stems and leaves, but only when it is absorbed by the foliage. It deactivates on contact with the soil and will not leach through the soil to damage desirable plants. Non-selective "spot" weed killer for use around landscaped areas. Kills most forms of plant growth without damage to the soil.